If you've ever consumed an energy drink like "Red Bull," you've ingested taurine. Taurine is added to energy drinks because it's thought to offset the excessive stimulation that can occur because of the drinks' caffeine content. The average taurine content of energy … [Read more...]
Arginine Versus Citrulline: Which is superior to Nitric Oxide Synthesis? by Jerry Brainum 10/21
When Applied Metabolics was initially published in print form in the late 90s, I wrote about a then-obscure substance called Nitric Oxide or NO. Although unknown in bodybuilding and sports, NO was causing a sensation in medicine because it appeared to provide a myriad … [Read more...]
Do Branched-Chain Amino Acids Help You Build Muscle? by Jerry Brainum 8/21
While it's no secret that you need to ingest protein to help develop larger muscles, what is really needed are the elemental building blocks of protein known as amino acids. The body uses 22 of these amino acids, but only nine are deemed essential. What that means is that … [Read more...]
Amino Acids: Are They Ergogenic Aids? by Jerry Brainum
Amino acids are the elemental constituents of protein. What is essential in human nutrition isn't protein, but rather the amino acids that comprise protein. Although about 20 amino acids are thought to play a role in human nutrition, only nine are considered essential. What … [Read more...]
The Amino Acid That Helps to Burn Fat by Jerry Brainum
Supplements designated as "fat-burners" are among the most popular supplements sold today. They are popular with athletes and bodybuilders who want to lose excess body fat for competition. But their popularity extends to those who may not be interested in a bodybuilding competition or … [Read more...]