Q: Is there a subscription fee for Applied Metabolics?
The monthly subscription fee for Applied Metabolics is $10. Other online subscription-based publications charge anywhere from $12 to $30 a month, yet cover only a fraction of the information offered in Applied Metabolics. Applied Metabolics averages 40 to 50 pages every month, with solid, evidence-based information and zero advertisements. While some other publications do offer some good information about nutrition and exercise, none can compare to the depth of information presented each month in Applied Metabolics. Topics covered include nutrition, supplements, exercise science, anti-aging research, fat-loss techniques, hormonal therapy, and general preventive health information. Also, Applied Metabolics is the only online publication written by a professional writer with over 40 years of extensive publishing experience. Each issue of the Los Angeles Times costs $2 a day, while Applied Metabolics costs 33 cents a day, yet offers far more useful information than the LA Times. In short, there is simply nothing available that is comparable to Applied Metabolics.
Q: I just subscribed to the newsletter, how do I log in?
A: Immediately after subscribing, you are sent a password to your e-mail account.You can then use this password and the user name that you choose to log on to the site.
Q: I subscribed, but didn’t get sent a password.
A: A password is immediately mailed upon subscribing to the e-mail address of the paid subscriber. However, sometimes the mail, being an automated reply, is diverted to a “spam” file in the e-mail program. If you haven’t received your password, please check your e-mail spam file, and the password is probably there.
Q: I tried to log on to the site using the password that I received, but it didn’t seem to work.
A: The password that you enter must be the precise password that you received in the e-mail. That means you must duplicate capital and lower case letter, numbers, and whatever else is in the issued password exactly as it appears. If you fail to do this, the password won’t be accepted on the site. An easy way to prevent problems is simply to cut and paste the assigned password into the log-in box. If that fails to work, you have the option on the main page to reset your password.
Q: How do I reset my password?
A: There is a password reset link on the Applied Metabolics homepage.
Q: What if I decide that I want to cancel the subscription?
A: There is a link at the bottom of the member profile page that will allow you to unsubscribe if you wish. It is the responsibility of the subscriber to cancel any subscription and I do not cancel subscriptions. One reason for this is to ensure that it’s the subscriber themselves who want to cancel.
Q: I did not actually cancel the subscription, but I haven’t read any issue for six months. Now that I have cancelled, can I get a refund for the issues that I was charged for but didn’t access?
A: Subscribers have the responsibility to cancel their own subscriptions and I have made it very simple to do so. If you do not cancel your subscription and let it go on, you will not receive any refund.
Q: What happens if I unsubscribe?
A: You will no longer get the e-mail newsletter notice, but you can still log on to the site until your existing subscription ends. However, if you paid for one month, you will be entitled only to the monthly issue that you paid for. For example, if you subscribed on September 10, you will have access to the September issue, but if you choose to cancel your subscription, you will not have access to the October issue, only the month that you paid for. With a cancellation, access ends immediately and doesn’t follow through into the next month.
Q: I’m interested in learning the real secrets about how to use anabolic drugs, will you be covering that in the newsletter?
A: Since such drugs require a prescription, and I am not a physician, this newsletter will not disclose nor advise about precise anabolic drug cycles. The newsletter, however, will discuss general information about anabolic drugs and other ergogenic aids through discussion of new or existing published science studies from reputable medical and science journals.
Q: I’ve seen your YouTube videos and while I’m not interested in subscribing to Applied Metabolics, I would still like to ask you questions through the e-mail portal on the site, is this okay?
A: The e-mail portal is for the express and exclusive use of paid subscribers to Applied Metabolics only. I do not solicit, nor do I respond to questions submitted by those who are not current Applied Metabolics subscribers. If, however, you wish to have some questions answered and are not a subscriber, I have set up a consultation page where I can address your questions following the payment of a consult fee. You can access the consult page here: https://www.appliedmetabolics.com/consultation/
Q: Does Applied Metabolics have a Facebook page that is exclusive to subscribers for discussions of articles in the publication, comments, questions, and suggestions?
A: Yes, subscribers can access the private Applied Metabolics Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2167298026829613/.
Q: If I subscribe to Applied Metabolics, do I have access to any past issues?
A: Yes, subscribers have complete access to the online archives of Applied Metabolics that contains all previously published issues.However, if you cancel the subscription, you will no longer have access to the online archives. Only active subscribers can access the archives.