Recent surveys show that two-thirds of Americans are obese, meaning that they have too much body fat. Although there are movements related to body acceptance that try to convince people that they should accept their higher body fat levels, this is more of a dream than a … [Read more...]
Is Betaine an Overlooked Fat-Loss Supplement? By Jerry Brainum 1/20
For years betaine was an obscure supplement, and when it was used it was used in the form of betaine hydrochloride or betaine HCL. Betaine HCL is used to supplement the natural acid production that occurs in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach is important … [Read more...]
The Truth About Fat-Burner supplements: How safe are they? by Jerry Brainum
Of all the food supplements available today, the most popular are so-called "fat-burning supplements." The reason for this is that fat-burning supplements (FBS) appeal not only to bodybuilders and athletes, but also to those not involved in bodybuilding or sports who want to … [Read more...]
The Cure for Everything Except Death? by Jerry Brainum
According to the Islamic prophet Mohammad, it will cure every disease except death. Cleopatra, the famed Egyptian queen, was said to use it regularly to beautify her skin and hair. Although many natural substances have a "cure-all" reputation that often proves to be … [Read more...]
Do “Fat-burner” supplements really work? by Jerry Brainum
Obesity is an epidemic and is on the rise. Statistics show that over 75% of American men are obese, as are 67% of adult American women. The current forecast is that 85% of Americans will be overweight, and half of them will be clinically obese by 2030. The increased … [Read more...]