A primary reason injecting growth hormone (GH) is so popular is that GH favorably affects body composition. Specifically, it will promote muscle gains while helping lower body fat levels. Indeed, years ago, many people believed you could eat anything and not gain body fat if … [Read more...]
Nutritional Control of Growth Hormone Release by Jerry Brainum 8/24
Human Growth Hormone is a primary anabolic hormone, along with testosterone, insulin, and insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1). As the name implies. Growth Hormone, or GH, helps to regulate growth and also maintains muscle and bone mass. The effect of GH on … [Read more...]
Death By Growth Hormone by Jerry Brainum 10/23
Human Growth hormone (GH) is of great interest to bodybuilders and athletes because of its reputed muscle-building effects, and even in those not involved in exercise or sports because of its reputation as a "youth hormone" capable of turning back the biological … [Read more...]
A Growth Hormone-Releasing Supplement That Works? by Jerry Brainum 12/21
Growth hormone is one of the key anabolic hormones produced in the body. As the name implies, growth hormone (GH) is involved with growth processes that occur in both bone and muscle. But it does far more than that. In bodybuilding and athletics, GH has earned an almost … [Read more...]
Calorie Restriction and Anabolic Resistence by Jerry Brainum 7/20
Anabolic Resistance is a term pertaining to the inability to boost either muscle mass or muscle protein synthesis. It's problematic because the failure to efficiently utilize amino acids in muscle, which is a hallmark of anabolic resistance (AR) can lead to muscle … [Read more...]
Black Market Growth Hormone: Is it genuine or fake? by Jerry Brainum
Human growth hormone (GH) continues to fascinate not just athletes and bodybuilders, but also those who believe that injecting GH will provide a fountain of youth effect. As such, "anti-aging clinics" feature GH administration to clients who seek the … [Read more...]
Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptides: Do they work? by Jerry Brainum
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is considered among the most anabolic hormones produced in the human body. For this reason, it holds great interest for those engaged in bodybuilding or for those who participate in sports. Bodybuilders use HGH because of the belief that it will help … [Read more...]
Does Growth Hormone slow or accelerate aging? by Jerry Brainum
Perhaps no other hormone in the body is subject to more misconceptions than is human growth hormone (GH). If you are to believe the many claims repeatedly made on numerous websites and blogs, as well as that often voiced by various "anti-aging clinics," GH is a miracle hormone … [Read more...]