Probably no nutrition issue is of more concern to those interested in building muscle or increasing fitness than is the optimal amount of protein to consume. Although muscle tissue is composed of only 20 percent protein, protein is the nutrient most connected to increased … [Read more...]
Protein Meal Distribution: Does It Make A Difference? by Jerry Brainum 7/20
You often hear talk or read about the importance of breakfast. The ostensible reason for this emphasis on consuming breakfast is that you wake up with partially depleted energy stores, such as liver and muscle glycogen, and consuming a meal when you wake up serves to restore … [Read more...]
Whey Protein and Essential Amino Acids: A potent Anabolic Duo? by Jerry Brainum 5/20
Whey protein remains the most popular type of protein supplement favored by bodybuilders and athletes. Although whey protein has been around for over 100 years in less palatable forms (explaining why they never became popular) the first popular brand of whey was called … [Read more...]
How to Improve the Protein Status of Vegetarians by Jerry Brainum 2/20
The recent documentary film, The Game Changers, makes a case for vegan nutrition. It joins other documentary films that treaded that same pathway, such as Knives Over Forks, What the Health and others that purport to show evidence that much of the often stated critiques … [Read more...]
The Truth About Protein Supplements by Jerry Brainum 10/19
I would venture to say that the two most popular food supplements among bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness participants, such as Cross-training athletes, are creatine and protein supplements. These supplements are popular for good reason. For one, they work for the majority of those … [Read more...]
What is the Optimal Protein Intake Per Meal for Building Muscle? by Jerry Brainum
About 40 years ago I had to be hospitalized after a bad bout with asthma. During my stay in the hospital, I had a discussion with a young pharmacy intern (it was a teaching hospital) about sports nutrition, which was then as now one of my favorite topics of discussion. When we … [Read more...]
Protein: Whole food Versus Supplements: which is best? by Jerry Brainum
Most bodybuilders and others interested in fitness and building muscle know that consuming a high protein diet is vital. For years scientists insisted that those engaged in intense exercise needed no more protein than a person who didn't do any physical activity at all. This … [Read more...]
Research Briefs by Jerry Brainum
As I've noted in previous editions of Applied Metabolics, various science meetings are held throughout the year in which scientists meet and discuss their latest research findings. Many such findings are presented in short abstract form as "posters." The … [Read more...]
What’s the Best Post-Workout Protein Source? by Jerry Brainum
As I've noted in previous articles in Applied Metabolics the topic of post-training nutrition, or what's the best food or supplements to consume after a weight workout, remains a contentious topic among both athletes and researchers. Several years ago,a few studies were … [Read more...]
It’s Official: Bodybuilders Need More Protein by Jerry Brainum
Although it shouldn't be, the protein requirements to help build added muscle and strength still remain controversial. An example of this is evident in many of the videos posted on YouTube. Many of these videos are posted by militant vegetarian advocates, who insist that not … [Read more...]