Although the training to failure concept has been discussed several times in past issues of Applied Metabolics, a new study defines just when training to failure is best used to promote gains in muscular size.[ref] Lasevicius, T, et al.Muscle failure promotes greater muscle … [Read more...]
Training to Muscular Failure: An Update with New Insights by Jerry Brainum
I wrote about training to muscular failure in the May 2015 issue of Applied Metabolics, and that article covered all the available research at the time related to training to failure. I also discussed the history of training to failure, and how the principle first came about. … [Read more...]
Lifting heavy weights, post-workout anabolic hormones, it all doesn’t matter? by Jerry Brainum
For as long as I can remember, the accepted prescription for developing larger muscles and increased muscular strength was to lift heavy weights. Even standard exercise physiology textbooks say that to activate the type 2-B fast-twitch muscle fibers that are most … [Read more...]
Should you train to muscular failure? by Jerry Brainum
Although no record of it exists in human history, the first incidence of training to failure likely occurred when a prehistoric man attempted to move a heavy rock without success. While such an activity may not fall in the category of organized training, the fact that … [Read more...]