These days, it appears that the term "natural bodybuilding" is an oxymoron. The public concept of bodybuilders, which is most often based on the appearance of professional bodybuilders, is that all are "juiced up" monstrosities, none of whom have any compunction against shooting up … [Read more...]
Training for Natural bodybuilding competition: two case studies
In the previous article about how to prepare for competing in a natural bodybuilding competition, I provided an overview related to relevant nutritional and supplementation factors. In order to see how all this fits together in actual practice, … [Read more...]
Low carb fatigue: is it caused by thyroid hormone changes?
Low carbohydrate diets remain among the most popular diets for the purposes of losing excess body fat. While all sorts of criticisms have been voiced about the alleged dangers of low-carb diets, more recent studies clearly show that such concerns are grossly overstated. A common … [Read more...]