In a recent issue of Applied Metabolics, I discussed the best diet to achieve an ultra-low body fat level of 5%. The diet I described in that article goes under various names, such as the "Anabolic diet," and the "Metabolic Diet," but the most common name and the most … [Read more...]
Is the Carnivore Diet Sustainable? by Jerry Brainum 12/20
A carnivore is defined as consuming only meat and based on that, the Carnivore diet is appropriately named. While there are varied types of low carbohydrate diets, ranging from low carb diets that allow 150 grams of carbohydrates or more a day to the ketogenic diet that … [Read more...]
The 5% Body Fat Diet by Jerry Brainum 12/20
Similarly to many other competitive bodybuilders, when I competed in bodybuilding contests in the late 60s and early 70s, I experimented with various diets and food combinations. My goals including several factors. These included a diet that would allow me to maintain the most lean … [Read more...]