In the past, vegetarianism was considered a type of fad style of eating, relegated to those who were considered "weirdos." But more recently, vegan diets have come into vogue because of various health benefits attributed to vegan eating styles. This notion is bolstered by … [Read more...]
Can You Build Muscle After 40 as a Vegan? by Jerry Brainum 10/22
Why is it that most successful bodybuilders have not been vegans? Is there something inherent in vegan nutrition that interferes with the acquisition of massive muscles or strength? In truth, some notably successful bodybuilders have been vegetarians, though not necessarily … [Read more...]
The Biochemical Benefits of Vegan Diets by Jerry Brainum 10/22
In a previous article in this issue of Applied Metabolics, I discussed whether a person over age 40 can develop muscle while consuming a vegan diet. But that raises the question of why anyone would even consider embarking on a vegan diet. Numerous websites and YouTube … [Read more...]
How to Improve the Protein Status of Vegetarians by Jerry Brainum 2/20
The recent documentary film, The Game Changers, makes a case for vegan nutrition. It joins other documentary films that treaded that same pathway, such as Knives Over Forks, What the Health and others that purport to show evidence that much of the often stated critiques … [Read more...]