Whey protein remains the most popular type of protein supplement favored by bodybuilders and athletes. Although whey protein has been around for over 100 years in less palatable forms (explaining why they never became popular) the first popular brand of whey was called … [Read more...]
Which Milk-based Protein is Best, Egg Myths, and the Truth about Soy Protein by Jerry Brainum
Bodybuilders, athletes and those interested in health and fitness have a plethora of protein supplements to choose from today. From a biological point of view, the most superior proteins in terms of promoting increased muscle protein synthesis (MPS) are milk proteins. Milk … [Read more...]
What’s the Best Post-Workout Protein Source? by Jerry Brainum
As I've noted in previous articles in Applied Metabolics the topic of post-training nutrition, or what's the best food or supplements to consume after a weight workout, remains a contentious topic among both athletes and researchers. Several years ago,a few studies were … [Read more...]
Alternative protein sources: Pea and Rice, how do they compare with whey protein? by Jerry Brainum
When I first began training, the choices in protein supplements were far more limited compared to today. One common source of protein back then was liver tablets and powders. Liver tablets were a staple of competitive bodybuilders in the 60s and 70s. Three-time … [Read more...]
The protein supplement war: Whey versus egg protein by Jerry Brainum
Without question, the most popular protein supplements sold today are based on whey. Whey is one of two major proteins found in milk, constituting 20% of milk protein. The other 80% of milk protein is casein. For years whey was considered a waste product of … [Read more...]