Several past articles in Applied Metabolics have focused on in-depth, science-based methods of contest preparation. However, these past articles have looked at the big picture of contest prep for various types of bodybuilding contests. A new study [ref]Chappell, A, et al. … [Read more...]
More On Scientific Bodybuilding Contest Preparation for Men and Women by Jerry Brainum
I've written several articles about bodybuilding contest preparation in past issues of Applied Metabolics. These articles have included information about preparing for natural bodybuilding events; professional bodybuilding contests; Men's physique events; and Women's fitness … [Read more...]
Is there a winning formula for natural bodybuilders? by Jerry Brainum
I've covered how bodybuilders prepare for various aspects of competition in past issues of Applied Metabolics. These include articles about natural bodybuilding competition; physique competition; and women's fitness and bikini events. While the information contained in … [Read more...]
After the Contest Ends by Jerry Brainum
Until recently, bodybuilding was virtually ignored by sports scientists. While studies of the effects of drugs commonly used by athletes, such as anabolic steroids, did exist in the medical literature there was nonetheless a dearth of information about the science … [Read more...]
An Intensive Analysis of Common Bodybuilding Competition Practices by Jerry Brainum
I've previously discussed in-depth the scientific ways to reach maximal muscular condition for a variety of bodybuilding competitions in past issues of Applied Metabolics. For example, in one article I outlined in detail the diet and anabolic drug program that was used … [Read more...]
Preparing for a Women’s Figure competition: A Science-Based Approach by Jerry Brainum
In prior issues of Applied Metabolics, I've discussed in detail scientifically-based techniques used to prepare for men's professional bodybuilding competition, which involved a case study of precisely how a top-5 Mr.Olympia competitor prepared for the contest and got into the … [Read more...]
Low carb controversies by Jerry Brainum
Probably the most contentious issue in nutrition is what diet is best for promoting safe and effective body fat losses. The position of most dieticians is that a balanced diet replete in various essential nutrients, but with a reduction in total caloric intake … [Read more...]
Preparing for physique competition: Is there a better way? by Jerry Brainum
Similarly to many other things, bodybuilding competition continues to evolve. Back in 1983, I wrote an article for the inaugural issue of Flex magazine about whether bodybuilding competition was veering to a judging system that held muscular mass as the deciding … [Read more...]
Should you train to muscular failure? by Jerry Brainum
Although no record of it exists in human history, the first incidence of training to failure likely occurred when a prehistoric man attempted to move a heavy rock without success. While such an activity may not fall in the category of organized training, the fact that … [Read more...]
Natural Bodybuilding Training: The finer points by Jerry Brainum
In the inaugural issue of Applied Metabolics, I discussed the best evidence-based nutrition techniques for natural bodybuilders. To reiterate the meaning of the term "natural," that refers to a bodybuilder who doesn't resort to using any type of pharmaceutical … [Read more...]