There are two primary reasons to do aerobic exercise. The first and more important reason is that aerobics condition and maintains the cardiovascular system. The number one cause of death in the United States is cardiovascular disease, and although … [Read more...]
The New Science of Abdominal Fat Loss by Jerry Brainum 4/21
I would venture to say that while not everyone is interested in developing a massively muscled physique on the order of a professional bodybuilder, the majority of people would love to reduce excessive abdominal fat and get a flatter stomach. This includes both men and … [Read more...]
How to Improve Fasting Aerobics for Fat Loss by Jerry Brainum 12/20
Many bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts engage in fasting aerobics in the belief that this will lead to greater loss of body fat compared to exercising after a meal. This is based on the notion that glycogen levels are low when you first awaken, and because glycogen is the … [Read more...]
A New Fat-Burning technique by Jerry Brainum 8/20
Aerobic training remains a point of contention for those engaged in bodybuilding and fitness activities. While the superiority of aerobics for helping to reduce excess body fat is clear, other issues arise that make many people reluctant to include any type of direct aerobic … [Read more...]
Why Women Gain Weight by Jerry Brainum 8/20
Women gain weight or more specifically, body fat, for the same reasons that men do: a surplus of ingested calories in proportion to the amount of physical activity. In more simple terms, you get fatter when you consume more calories than you burn in physical activity. But there is far … [Read more...]
When Exercise Fails (To Cause Fat Loss) by Jerry Brainum 4/20
I am continually astounded by articles claiming that exercise is useless for promoting body fat loss. Some of these articles claim that exercise doesn't work for fat loss because exercise increases hunger, and after exercise, you eat more and thus replace the calories … [Read more...]
Is Betaine an Overlooked Fat-Loss Supplement? By Jerry Brainum 1/20
For years betaine was an obscure supplement, and when it was used it was used in the form of betaine hydrochloride or betaine HCL. Betaine HCL is used to supplement the natural acid production that occurs in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach is important … [Read more...]
The Best Weight-Loss Diet: What Does the Science Show? by Jerry Brainum 11/19
Those who seek to lose excessive body fat are faced with a plethora of diet choices. Each diet has its advocates who proclaim that their diet is the most effective at promoting body fat loss. And there is rarely a time when another new fad diet surfaces, often promising to be the … [Read more...]
Cellulite: What is it and What Can You Do About It? by Jerry Brainum
Cellulite is a major issue for women. Indeed, it affects 80 to 100% of women and becomes especially noticeable when a woman is age 40 or older. Cellulite is most prominent on a woman's rear thighs, buttocks, and hips, although it can appear anywhere on a woman's body. It is often … [Read more...]
Maximum Burn: The Science of Maximal Fat Oxidation During Exercise by Jerry Brainum
If you are sitting down reading this and are not otherwise active, your major source of fuel is stored fat. This is surprising to many, since if humans use stored fat as a major source of energy during rest, why are so many people obese? The answer is that the amount of fat released … [Read more...]