According to the Islamic prophet Mohammad, it will cure every disease except death. Cleopatra, the famed Egyptian queen, was said to use it regularly to beautify her skin and hair. Although many natural substances have a "cure-all" reputation that often proves to be … [Read more...]
Late Night Eating: Bad, good, or no effect? by Jerry Brainum
Bodybuilding, fitness, and sports activity are plagued with a seemingly endless supply of myths and misinformation. The ascension of the Internet as the primary source of information has only added to the confusion related to diet, exercise, and health. One reason for … [Read more...]
Is there a best time to exercise? by Jerry Brainum
In the February 2015 issue of Applied Metabolics, I discussed whether the common practice of engaging in aerobic exercise on an empty stomach actually does lead to increased fat oxidation. This is one of the many exercise concepts that … [Read more...]
Protein and Resistant Starch: A Dynamic Fat-loss Duo? by Jerry Brainum
Not all carbohydrates are created equal. What this means is that some sources and types of carbohydrates are good for you, while others can harm your health if consumed long-term in larger amounts. The type of carbs classified as "good" include those found in … [Read more...]
Staying Hungrier (Intermittent fasting truths) by Jerry Brainum
Perhaps no one was born was a more apt surname than Linda Hazzard. Although Hazzard never attended medical school, she was nonetheless licensed to practice medicine in the state of Washington. She operated a sanitarium there in a town called Olalla, and she … [Read more...]
Low fat versus low carbs: Which is best for fat loss? by Jerry Brainum
As I noted in the August 2015 issue of Applied Metabolics, the preponderance of published studies that have compared low fat, high carb diets to low carb, high-fat diets has found that the low carb diets invariably result in far more rapid losses of body fat, along … [Read more...]
Low carb controversies by Jerry Brainum
Probably the most contentious issue in nutrition is what diet is best for promoting safe and effective body fat losses. The position of most dieticians is that a balanced diet replete in various essential nutrients, but with a reduction in total caloric intake … [Read more...]
Do “Fat-burner” supplements really work? by Jerry Brainum
Obesity is an epidemic and is on the rise. Statistics show that over 75% of American men are obese, as are 67% of adult American women. The current forecast is that 85% of Americans will be overweight, and half of them will be clinically obese by 2030. The increased … [Read more...]
Review: Strength Training for fat Loss by Jerry Brainum
The principle of specificity of exercise states that exercise must be specific for a certain purpose. In simple terms, if you want to build muscle and get stronger, you use a progressive resistance style of training, with the most efficient being weight training.If … [Read more...]
Concurrent training: problems and solutions by Jerry Brainum
Similar to many others, Bob Hickson opted to study exercise physiology because of his avid hobby of powerlifting. He wanted to learn the science behind what causes muscle growth, and possibly develop new and more effective ways to build muscle and strength. Luckily, … [Read more...]